UCSF makes 299k Juul documents public on the internet; more to come

On June 27. 20-24 the UCSF Industry Documents Library added of 289,868 new JUUL Labs documents to the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents Library, bringing the total number of publicly available previously secret Juul documents to 1,870,542.

There are about 2 million Juul documents from the North Carolina settlement to be loaded plus another about 2 million documents from other state cases.

 These documents have already lead to several publications, including two recent important news stories:

These new documents bring the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents Library to 99,720,199 pages in 16,893,159 documents.

The overall Industry Documents Library now contains 114,951,995 pages in 20,257,401 documents. The other collections are:

These collections can all be searched at once, which often reveals common strategies and often the same scientists, third parties and front groups, PR agencies, lawyers, lobbyists, and politicians supporting industry positions.

Check them out!

Making the Juul documents available through the UCSF Industry Documents Library is a joint project between UCSF and the University of North Carolina.

Published by Stanton Glantz

Stanton Glantz is a retired Professor of Medicine who served on the University of California San Francisco faculty for 45 years. He conducts research on tobacco and cannabis control and cardiovascular disease/

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